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WCTNG-CMFNG Emmaus International

WCTNG-CMFNG Emmaus International
Derniers commentaires
3 juillet 2010

Minutes of Environment Workshop - My Water My Life

19 mai 2010




Kata Penghibur berarti "Penghibur itu ". organisasi ini telah "diciptakan pada Tahun 1980 dan Terletak di




, Kabupaten Jepara,

Propinsi Jawa Tengah




Sesuai dengan nama ITS, Penghibur (Penghibur The) Memiliki Beberapa kegiatan Terutama untuk membantu Rakyat, Khususnya Mereka Siapa Pinggiran oleh ketidakadilan, kemiskinan, dan penyakit, bebas dari frustrasi dan pendapat mereka memberdayakan berani menghadapi tantangan.


A.    Kegiatan Pelayanan Sosial

1.       Anak-anak Home

foto_kartiniannrumah ini mulai "Anak-anak pada tahun 1984. Ini Home Apakah Depan untuk Anak-anak yang Mengalami No orangtua berasal dari keluarga sangat miskin, atau cacat, dan fisik iment Entah.

Kita Sekarang Memiliki 40 anak berasal dari saham yang berbeda


(East Nusa Tenggara, Sumatera Utara, dan

Jawa Tengah

). Anak-anak adalah Antara usia 11-18 tahun.

2.       Tidak Mendukung Anak-anak Asrama

Dari tahun 1999, Ada Apakah Anak yang juga membutuhkan bantuan dan hidup di luar asrama kami (dari Nusa Tenggara Timur, Sumatera Utara dan Jawa Tengah) yang Mengalami Telah Menerima bantuan dari Penghibur Yayasan untuk biaya sekolah dan peralatan sekolah. Sekarang, ada 18 anak-anak non-asrama.

3.       Klinik Medis (Peduli Kesehatan Masyarakat)

Diabetes_patientBekerja sama dengan Pemerintah Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Yayasan Penghibur Apakah Juga Membantu Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu = Pos Pelayanan Terpadu) untuk melayani ibu hamil dan bayi dengan memberikan 'vitamin mereka, makanan tambahan, susu segar, dari penyakit tropis dan imunisasi. Jadi Jauh, Ada Empat Ratus Apakah bayi (di bawah lima tahun) dan ibu muda hamil Siapa yang membantu o Menerima. Kami Juga Memberikan bimbingan them medis untuk mencapai kondisi kesehatan yang baik.

Sekarang kita mulai dengan Diabetic Clinic. Ada sekitar 15 pasien diabetes mendapatkan Perawatan Siapa dari klinik ini. Untuk dukungan dana untuk proyek ini, kami punya HAD 8 (delapan) sapi. Sapi ini Telah Dibesarkan oleh Beberapa petani "di sekitar kawasan o. Hasilnya IS "Lima puluh lima puluh" dengan klinik o. Apakah yang dimaksud, setelah berbulan-bulan menaikkan Beberapa, sapi dapat Jadilah dijual salah satu 'manfaat Terbagi Dua Into Akan saham. Petani dan diabetes klinik.

4.    Makanan Bantuan untuk Janda

Food_securityApakah Kita Sudah lima kali Mendistribusikan beras dan Kebutuhan Dasar Hidup (gula, minyak goreng, dll) untuk 45 janda miskin dan perempuan tua tunggal. Ltr berasal dari desa oven. Setiap orang yang Diterima satu paket Terdiri dari 15 kg beras, 1 kg gula, 1 kg minyak goreng, dan uang tunai Rp 25.000, -.Kami "memberikan uang tunai untuk 'em Hampir Karena mereka dari' sangat miskin dan Beberapa Apakah keluarga No.

5.    Kursus & Pelatihan

a.     Kursus Menjahit dan Kerajinan Kayu untuk Anak

CourseSejak 15 April 2009, sampai sekarang, Yayasan Penghibur telah-beens Menjalankan Dua jenis dari Latihan untuk Anak id o "Tresno Ing Siwi" Anak-anak Home. Ada kursus menjahit untuk gadis-gadis, dan kayu kerajinan pelatihan bagi anak-anak. Untuk Setiap minggu hari Lima untuk Dua jam di sore hari, MEREKA mendapatkan pelajaran "yang tepat untuk pelatihan mereka. Gadis-gadis Belajar bagaimana membuat pakaian. Sementara Berlatih dan belajar anak-anak untuk membuat kerajinan kayu dan patung.

b.     'Pelatihan Pemberdayaan Organisasi 'Untuk Kelompok Petani



No 27 dan 28 April 2009, Yayasan Penghibur HAD Telah Mengorganisir pelatihan bagi para petani "kelompok. Pelatihan telah dilakukan untuk kelompok Petani Tiga organisasi. Apakah Mereka Berasal dari Tiga desa Jerukrejo, Karanganyar, dan Jaten.

Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah: 

a.        Untuk "memberi pengetahuan baru organisasi. 

b.       Untuk Memanfaatkan organisasi untuk Mencapai kehidupan yang lebih baik.

v.        Untuk Penguatan kelompok dengan sikap yang baik dari anggota mereka.

d.       Untuk mempersiapkan pembentukan kerjasama anggota kelompok.

Setelah MEREKA sudah mendapat sertifikat pelatihan dan "modal kecil" untuk grandir pendapatan dan produktivitas. Jadi dalam satu waktu tahun itu Mereka Juga Akan Dapat membantu anggota untuk mendapatkan modal kecil lainnya mereka itu.

v.     Konsumsi Air & Pelatihan Konservasi

waterPelatihan ini telah dieksekusi Dusun Guwo



, Donorojo Kecamatan, Kabupaten Jepara, dan memiliki Jumat conduite, 27th Maret 2009. Para peserta pelatihan ini / diskusi Apakah para pemimpin masyarakat. Dalam pelatihan ini, kita hasil survei air Dilaporkan, menjelaskan tentang hubungan antara Lingkungan dan musim semi Air, Dan Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Brain Storm sesi. 

Tim survei air menjelaskan kepada peserta pentingnya konservasi air dan consommation kontrol, pelestarian lingkungan, dan menjaga mata air untuk mereka PENURUNAN Kesulitan air bersih pada musim kemarau.

6.    Segar Susu Untuk Anak Sekolah

MilkPenghibur oleh Yayasan Solidaritas Internasional dan Dukungan dari Emaus grooup Ruffec Emaus di


, Apakah-memberikan susu sapi segar untuk anak-anak sekolah di daerah ini.

Kami mulai "Karena ini kegiatan bulan April 2008. Jadi, Sampai Mei 2010, Yayasan Penghibur telah-beens Mendistribusikan susu sapi segar 10 liter untuk 100 Anak Setiap Hari TK & SD. Setiap anak Diterima 100 cc susu sapi segar. Hasilnya adalah baik untuk mereka Kesehatan.

B.    Income Generating

Untuk mendukung kegiatan o kami punya beberapa pilihan kegiatan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan.

Showroom1.       Mebel dan Industri Kerajinan Kayu

Kami daerah (Jepara) Apakah Well Known untuk furnitur dan kerajinan kayu produksi ITS. Lokal  kayu bekerja  IS  Keduanya dilakukan di   jati dan mahoni.

yayasan kami memiliki bengkel pertukangan Juga Memiliki Menghasilkan perabotan, Ornamen Natal, dan ingat. Kami berharap Bahwa ini  kegiatan  Akan   Membuat Beberapa kontribusi untuk o yayasan.

Ini Proyek adalah tidak hanya untuk Membangkitkan revenu media dasar o, bertujuan juga melayani sebagai media untuk memberikan pelatihan untuk Anak-anak kita. Jadi MEREKA bisa Itu Memiliki kemampuan untuk bekerja untuk masa depan mereka.

2.     Produk Susu

SapiKita  Memiliki  delapan sapi  Yang dapat  "Memberi segar  susu, tidak hanya  o untuk anak-anak Sendiri   rumah,  tujuan  Juga  untuk Anak-anak  Siapa yang Menderita  dari kekurangan gizi pada kami  lokal  daerah.  Kami Juga Memiliki Dua   laki-laki perempuan betis dan satu sapi. O Kami menjual produk susu ke pasar lokal untuk organisasi revenu kami.

3.    Pupuk Organik

labeling_the_fertilizer_package00Pada pertengahan bulan Agustus 2009, Yayasan Penghibur telah-telah mulai membuat pupuk tahun organik (kompos) dengan fermentasi cara. Apakah Ada Dua Jenis produk: lunak dan kasar. The cette pupuk organik sampah organik bahan IS dari daun atau dedaunan.

Organik kompos sampah untuk mendapatkan bahan baku disaring lembut, sedangkan ayakan Crush limbah dengan mesin untuk bahan kompos kasar kasar.

C.    Pembangunan Pedesaan

1.   Reboisasi

Reforestation001Dampak kegiatan reboisasi setelah semangat Emaus International Youth Work Camp yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2007 di Bukit Pucang Pendowo,



, Apakah-telah tersebar ke daerah lain. Dan bagi penduduk desa setempat Apakah Sekarang sangat ingin merencanakan lebih banyak pohon Sebaliknya Than penanaman singkong. Dengan melakukan ini, memberikan Akan berdampak baik, dengan menanam pohon-pohon Karena air pegas dapat MENJAGA Jadilah baik dan Air Jadilah Kelangkaan dapat dihindari.

ATAS TERSEBUT memberikan dukungan untuk YP Membantu Apakah penduduk desa dengan memberikan 25.200 bibit terdiri dari jati, sengon Laut, Mahoni, buah, dan spesies kakao.

2.    Kredit Mikro

Venture_Capital_assistance_for_women01Ada 31 kelompok perempuan Perempuan kami yang Telah Dibantu oleh Yayasan Penghibur dengan kredit mikro. Kelompok ini terdiri dari perempuan yang Mengalami Itu bisnis yang sangat kecil sehingga MEREKA ekonomi bisa menjadi Kuat. Ini dana kredit mikro telah-beens Didukung oleh Emaus Internasional.

Selain kredit mikro bagi perempuan, Ada Apakah Juga koperasi kredit (simpan pinjam uang) untuk Mendorong orang untuk menyimpan uang dan Mengambil Jika Mereka membutuhkannya.

3.    DAS Mikro Proyek

water_surveySurvei dari "Proyek Air Bersih di Dusun Guwo, Kabupaten Jepara, SUDAH Telah ada dilakukan pada bulan Maret dan April 2009. Untuk kegiatan tesis Yayasan Penghibur telah-bekerja sama dengan Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta. Tim survei Terdiri OF MAHASISWA dipimpin oleh Dua dan Docents. Survei Apakah Menutupi mata air dan dusun, Dan Juga Mengukur jalan tanah. Terutama dari jalan dekat mata air Sampai pemukiman.

Tim survei air HAD juga membuat peta dusun dengan Mengukur jalan dari beberapa mata air, jalan dan rumah di dusun itu, untuk mengetahui panjang dan tinggi dan Jarak Setiap rumah. The Tujuan tesis Apakah kegiatan untuk membuat distribusi air lebih mudah.

D.    Hubungi Kami:

Alamat     :


  Kotak  Aku   Keling  -  Jepara  59.454 



Telp.           :   62 291 579 068                    

Fax.             :   62 291 579 258

E-mail         :

                        liisuka @

Web            :

Bank: Nama dan alamat Bank: BNI Cabang Jepara -


Nomor rekening: 0032257030   

                     Rekening atas nama: Yayasan Penghibur

                     Swift code: BNINIDJA   

Kontak person:1.      Suprapto Ismudjito (Mr)

2.        Anna-Liisa Ismudjito Jaanu (Ms)

3. Sukati Pratiknyo (Ms)

12 mai 2010

The most simple way to save water to ground


  1. Dig a hole in its usual place of water flowing or stagnant;
  2. Fill the hole was dug with leaves / organic rubbish;
  3. For safety, close the top of the hole with a woven wire or other cap, provided that the water can still get into the hole;
  4. Small animals and bacteria will decompose the waste is in the hole and make the channels of water in the soil, so that when water enters into the hole, thus, more easily absorbed by the soil;
  5. Absorption of water by the soil will be a maximum after the waste rotting in a hole;
  6. Add the garbage into the hole when the garbage has been shrinking due to decomposition processes.
  7. Compost in the hole can be taken every year to be replaced with new garbage. Garbage collection that is too often can interfere with the proliferation of soil microorganisms which make the water channels in the soil.


12 mai 2010





with its area of 1’920’000 sq Km is the largest archipelago in the world. It has 13’500 islands of which 3’000 are inhabited and covering of 9’500’000 sq Km of the Indian / Pacific Ocean, with the coast line reaches 81’000 Km. With its  population  220’000’000,  Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous nation.

2. About 88’495’000 hectares, or around 48,9 percent of


land cover is forest. Of this, 55 percent or roughly 48’702’000 hectares is classified as primary forest.




1. The damage of tropical forest in


has actually been starting before President Suharto stepped down in 1998. Uncontrollable of destructing logging of forest which has been lasting for years has made decreasing drastically the area of the tropical forest.                     

2.  Accelerations of the damage of tropical forest in 1985-1997 period was reaching 1,6 million hectares every year.  While in 1997-2000 period it had been increasing 3,8 million hectares.

3. This damage of the forest had made


become the highest level of forestry damage in the world. From 2000 to 2005 the rate of deforestation had been increased and reaching 1,91 percent. In total


has lost almost 24,1 percent of its forest cover, or around 28’072’000 hectares, in which 21’717’000 hectares is primary forest.


  1. Getting more and more decreasing of land cover forest in


    , so that the impact is susceptible of natural disaster:           

a.       Land slides, especially in the mountainous area.

b.      Floods, has also affected so many areas.

From the year 1998 till medium of 2003 it had been happening 947 natural disaster cases in


with 2022 victims and losing of the value of billions rupiah. These natural disaster were coming from floods and land slides as the result of deforestation.

  1. As the forest has also functions as the habitat for floras and faunas, it means that the increasing rate of deforestation would be giving a serious alarm for these habitats of floras and faunas. According to American Nature Journal approximately 2,9 to 12 endemic species extinct in every 100 sq Km of Indonesian tropical forest. Those extinction was primarily due to the destruction its habitat or deforestation.
  2. Deforestation has also been giving bad impact and contributing of making people becoming more poor, because forest is also important of the people life. While floods, land slides and drought as the result of deforestation are not only emerging suffering for the people, but also making them becoming more poor.


  1. Wooden Industries in


    have very high of production capacity, compare with providing of wood material. That is why the wooden industries have carry out uncontrollable cutting off timber. While the plantations business  have also opening very large plantation, as well as the mining business have also opened their business in forestry area. While the people who are living around the forest area have been expelled from their original home. So, that they have no access any more with the forest.
  2. These conditions becoming more and more serious because of the corrupting government where the forest has been believed as their own money sources which can be taken until totally empty for their own private lives.     


  1. The uncontrollable cutting down the timber of the forest has actually been happening since the year 1960, when the people had been cutting down the trees manually.
  2. When the forest functions has been converted for being the large scale plantation area, which had carried out deforestation drastically. In addition, conversion of forest areas for the development of oil palm and the pulp and paper industry has been substantial. Since the beginning of this decade, as much as 2.8 million ha of


    ’s forests have been lost each year to illegal and destructive logging. This has led to US $4 billion or 40 trillion rupiah in losses to the State per year.
  3. The forest area has also been converted for the purpose of enlarging the township, as well as the transmigration area for the people from Java and


  4. In the year 1999, when the autonomous local government had been started, the local authority have distributed its forest area to local business-men in the form of a small scale management right of forest.

  5. In the same time was happening the increasing rate of the deforestation illegally and uncontrollably by some groups of the community which have been funded by the capitalist (cukong – the Chinese term), who has provide the capital or the money. Those activities had been protected by the government authorities or the security apparatus.     


1.      Since the year 2001 Indonesian government, namely The Department of Forestry and the Department of Trade and Industry have launched mutual decision by issuing a forbidden regulation for exporting the logging of wood and the planking material.

2.      In the year 2003, the Forestry Department has been decreasing yearly of felled tree quota (the number of the timber which  is allowed to be cut down) until the figure of 6’800’000 M3 in a year, It will be decreasing yearly up to 5’700’000 M3 of timber.

3.      The Indonesian Government has also been establishing a revitalization body for Forestry Industry. The function of this body is to justification of the product of Forestry Industry with providing material of the forest.

4.      The government has made a commitment for illegal logging eradication. And will launch reforestation effort through


and Land Rehabilitation Movement. It will be expected that in the year 2008 will be reforested an area of three million hectares.



1.      It is a pity that what the government has been doing is only a big mouth, without any real deed in the field. Up to 2002 there is still exporting of logging timber. By this condition, it has been shown that the government has been offended its regulation itself.

2.      It seems that the government is also still willing to give managing permit for natural forest and plantation for 900’000 hectares of forest to Forestry Business-men, through an auction.

3.      The government did not have any overall-planning to improve and rehabilitate the damage of  the forest in


by reforestation.

4.      By only decreasing the quota of felled  timber, it will be difficult to distinguish between the legal and the illegal logging. So, the important thing to do is, that the government has to launch a  moratorium of felling (cutting down the trees). It means that in a certain period of time there should not be any timber come out of the Indonesian forest.

VII.           THE



1.      Indonesian tropical forest is also important for the world, because it has function as a lung of the world (carbon sequestering) Ideally 30% of land has to be covered by forest.

2.      Climate stabilization.

3.      Ground water recharge.

4.      Natural disaster prevention

5.      Watershed protection


To stop the damage of the forest in this country:

1.      The government has to stop the issuing permit of managing right of the forest for utilize the timber-wood.

2.      The government has to stop the new opening of the plantation by using  the forestry area.

3.      The government has to implement the law enforcement drastically to those who are offending the rule of protection of the forest.

4.      The government has to do overall testing towards the industrial forestry work, and to do the law enforcement to those naughty forestry business.

5.      After those things which have been mentioned above has been done, then it will be necessary to revitalization and to rehabilitation of the forest:

a.       To handle the social impact of the moratorium of felling the timber, for instance by giving job to the industrial forestry workers to do the plantation work project of the forest.

b.      Then if everything has been done in order, it will be better to consider of giving the permit of  felling the timber, just for the industrial forest plantation, or the forest which have been managed based on local community.

6.      While in the moratorium period, the timber industries can be operating naturally by importing the material of wood.

7.      To take something lightly in controlling that purpose, so the kind of wood which would be imported have to be different from the kind of local wood.

8.      Then the most important thing to do is to give back the authority  of managing the forest to the forestry people, because it has been long, long time, to manage the forest in this country.

13 avril 2010

Emmaus Europe Summer Work Camp.

Welcome to Emmaus Feniks in Tegelen, the Netherlands the 27.6-7.11.2010 and the two week long work camp. We, the European, World Councilors on Training and New Generations will be leading/managing discussions, especially on sustainable development. Hope you will join us and take the chance to share experiences, learn from each other about empowerment, sustainable development, International solidarity, Emmaus Europe. We will work together while having a great time, explore beautiful nature on foot or by bike and sit around the campfire all night long.

I can tell you, I am really looking forward to this camp!

25 mars 2010


1. Everybody knows that water is important for our life. Nobody can live without water. That is why we have to save water by using it economically and wisely. On the other hand we have to save water from the rain water so that this water does not go directly to the sea (through the river), because the soil could not do its function to absorb the water into the soil.


2. To answer the question of how the rain water so that does not directly go to the river, then to the sea, we can use the kit which we call “The Bio pore Absorber”


3. The inventor of the method of Bio pore is Dr. Kamir Pariadin Broto, Msc. from Farming Faculty of Bogor Farming Institute,

West Java



4. Before mentioning the Bio pore absorber, let’s see the rain water which falls to the surface of the land, it can be divided in two parts :

a. The surface stream (this water can not be absorbed by the soil so it is streaming in the surface).

b. The infiltration water (this part of water infiltrate into the soil then in the future it can be the reserve beneath the ground water).


5. How does the Bio pore Absorber work?


It works by making Bio pore Absorbing Hole. These Bio pore Absorbing Hole (BAH) can be made in or at :

a. The base of the drain (ditch) which is formerly using to draw away the rain water,

b. The land near the park, auto parking, the garage,

c. The base channel around the trees,

d. The yard, the garden, un-irrigated agriculture field.


6. Then after the BAH has been made it can be filled with organic rubbish. It needs to be add again and again for the contents will be getting decrease because of moldiness. The compos which will be produced by this hole can be taken for fertilizer in the end of dry season.



7. For the safety (to prevent the accident) the BAH has to be covered with plastic cover or used tin can (but the cover has to be made small hole for running the water into the hole). While the edge of the BAH, it needs to be given lode from cement.


8. Bio pore is alternative technology for absorbing rain water beside the absorbing well. Bio pore can be called “The palace for worm” although its dweller is not only worm, but because the contents is organic rubbish, so it will stimulate small animals, such as ant, worm, termite come into the hole and making bio pore as small tunnels, so that the water can be soon absorbed.


9. There are ten special benefit for Bio pore Absorbing Hole (BAH) :

a. To keep ground water reserve.

* The water which is entering in the BAH will be absorbed by small tunnels which has been made by the dwellers (small animals in the BAH).

* Water which has been absorbed by BAH then will be conversed by the soil for being ground water reservation.


b. To prevent the subsidence of the land and the cracking of the land.

* The BAH is only 10 cm, so that has no risk for being subsidence and cracking.

* The leafs and organic rubbish which had been put inside the BAH can be preventing subsidence of the land.

* The Bio pore small tunnels – or small channel which has been farmed can improve the land structure, so that the land is not easily to be crack.


c. To hamper the intrusion of the sea water.

* The decreasing ground water reserve can make the sea water absorb and mix into the ground water.

* The water which goes into the BAH will be conversed to become saving the ground water. So it can prevent the sea water to push entering to the ground.


d. To converse the organic rubbish to become compost.

* Inside the BAH is dwelling many kind of bacterium & ground fauna which will be causing to rot of the organic rubbish which has been put into the BAH.

* the organic rubbish which has been rotten will become compost, that we can use as fertilizer for our plantation.


e. To promote the Fertility of the soil.

* The compost fertilizer which is processing in the BAH can be used as fertilizer, which will be giving the impact of negative effect of chemical fertilizer residue.

* The more using the compost the more fertilizing the soil, and the residue will not be giving harm effect for the land.


f. To keep the biological variety in the soil.

* Even-though it is relatively a small BAH , but the absorbing area is widely, so that the biological variety in the soil has enough food and enough air room.

* By available enough food, room and air, so that the biological variety in the soil will be keeping alive and will be well multiplying.


g. The disease such as malaria, Dengue Fever, etc which is as the result of the water which has been filling a place and not flowing can be overcome.

* By this BAH the water will be absorbed in the soil, and it can reduce the flooded area, even to prevent this filling water, then the disease as the result of flooding water can be prevented.


h. The rubbish which can make pollution of the water and the air can be reducing.

* The organic rubbish which has been throwing away anywhere, or at certain place, will give a bad odor. But by filling the BAH with the rubbish the bad odor can be prevented.

* Because of the form of the BAH is round and deep in the soil which is narrow in the top, so the process of delaying will not give any bad odor.

* The organic rubbish in the BAH will not be flowing because of water streaming, so this rubbish will not go to pollute the river or ditch.


i. The gas emission (CO2 and Methane gas) of the glass house can be reduce.

* The heap of organic rubbish will give CO2 and methane gas. The more the rubbish heap will be the more gas producing.

* The rubbish which has been put in the BAH will be processed naturally by biotical variety which is inside the soil, so that the decaying process will be happening soon.

* Because the organic rubbish has been put in the BAH, so the coming gas of the rubbish will be absorbed by soil that the gas which goes to the air will be reduced.


j. To reduce flood, land-slide and drought.

* Because the water will be well absorbed into the soil, so the rain water which is flowing in the surface will be reduced.

* Because of decreasing water which is flowing in the surface, so the flood and land-slide can be reduced.

* By the more water stock in the soil, then the spring can be long standing, even, the new spring will also be emerging.



10. The Bio pore Absorbing Hole kit


The Bio pore Absorber has been designed to make easy for doing the Bio pore Absorbing Hole (BAH) which is suitable for using the water absorbing by Bio pore approach. This BAH kit is also needed for taking the compost in the hole after it has been formed (after the rubbish become the compost).

With this tools (drill), o

ne hole can be made in ten minute time.

But, if there are not available, we can make BAH with hoe, crowbar, etc. The main idea is not the tools, but to make hole in the ground and fill it with organic rubbish to invite in-ground microorganism, which will create bio pore tunnel in the ground.

About the size of the hole, is not absolutely like at above

pictur, but it can be make as required. But, remember the main thing : fill with organic rubbish until top of hole.

11. What Yayasan Penghibur has done to campaign the Bio pore Absorber ?

Considering that Bio pore Absorber is good to save our soil and for our nature conservation. It is also good to prevent the land-slide and flood, as well as to make our land more fertile, and to make better for our global climate, Yayasan Penghibur has been campaigning the using of this Bio pore Absorber. The result is not so well in our area, but our friends in East Java and


have good result.

For instance for our friends in East Java (Malang) they campaign the Bio pore Absorber among the school children and the farmer groups. So, YP will intensify the campaign among the farmer groups, the head of the villages and also among the school children (Senior High School).

We hope that in the year 2010 we will can do it.

Thank you,

Daniel Sutrisno


25 mars 2010



1.    Everybody knows that water is important for our life. Nobody can live without water. That is why we have to save water by using it wisely and economically. On the other hand we have to save water from the rain water so that this water does not go directly to the sea (through the river), Because the soil could not do its function to absorb the water into the soil.

2.    To answer the question of how the rain water so that does not go directly to the river, then to the sea, we can use the kit which we call "The Bio pore Absorber"

3.   The inventor of the method of Bio pore is Dr. Kamir Pariadin Broto, Msc. Farming from Faculty of Bogor Farming Institute,

West Java


4.    Before mentioning the Bio pore absorbed, let's see the rain water which falls to the surface of the land, it can be divided in two parts:

a.     The surface stream (this water can not be absorbed by the soil so it is streaming in the area).

b.    The infiltration water (this part of water infiltrate into the soil in the future then it can be the reserve beneath the ground water).

5.    How does the Bio pore Absorber work?

It works by making Bio pore Absorbing Hole. These Bio pore Absorbing Hole (BAH) can be made in or at:

a.     The base of the drain (ditch) which is formerly using to draw away the rain water,

b.    The land near the park, car parking, the garage,

c.    The basic channel around the trees,

d.    The yard, the garden, un-irrigated agricultural field.

6.    Then after the BAH has been made it can be filled with organic rubbish. It needs to be add again and again for the contents will be getting moldiness Because of decrease. The compos Which Will be produced by this hole can be taken for fertilizer in the end of dry season.

7.    For the safety (to prevent the accident) the BAH has to be covered with plastic cover or used tin can (but the cover has to be made small hole for running the water into the hole). While The Edge of the BAH, it needs to be given lode from cement.

8.    Bio pore is alternative technology for absorbing rain water beside the absorbing well. Bio pore can be called "The Palace for worm" although its dweller is not only worm, but Because the organic content is rubbish, so it will Stimulate small animals, such as ant, worm, termites come into the hole and making bio pore as small tunnels, so that the water can be absorbed soon.



9.       There are ten special benefit for Bio pore Absorbing Hole (BAH):

          a.    To keep ground water reserve.

*     Which is the water entering in the BAH will be absorbed by small tunnels Which has been made by the dwellers (small animals in the BAH).

*     Which Water has been absorbed by then BAH will be conversed by the soil for being ground water reservation.

b.    To prevent the subsidence of the land and the cracking of the land.

*     The BAH is only 10 cm, so that has no risk for being subsidence and cracking.

*     The leafs and organic rubbish Which Had been put inside the BAH can be Preventing subsidence of the land.

*     The Bio pore small tunnels - or small channel has been farmed Which Can Improve the land structure, so that the land is not easily to be crack cocaine.

c.            To hamper the intrusion of the sea water.

*     The decreasing ground water reserve can make the sea water and mix absorbed into the ground water.

*     The water goes into the Which BAH will be conversed to become saving the ground water. So it can Prevent the sea water entering to push to the ground.

d.           To converse the organic rubbish to become compost.

*     Inside the BAH is many kind of dwelling bacterium & ground fauna Which Will Be Causing to rot of the organic rubbish Which has been put into the BAH.

*     the organic rubbish Which has been rotten compost will become, that we can use as fertilizer for our plantation.

e.            To promote the Fertility of the soil.

*     The compost fertilizer Which is processing in the BAH can be used as fertilizer, Which Will be giving the Impact of Negative Effect of chemical fertilizer residue.

*     The more the compost using the more fertilizing the soil, and the residue will not be giving harm Effect for the land.

f.             To keep the biological variety in the soil.

*     Even-though it is a relatively small BAH, but the absorbing area is widely, so that the biological variety in the soil has enough food and enough room air.

*     By enough food available, and room air, so that the biological variety in the soil will be keeping alive and well will be multiplying.

g.           The disease such as malaria, Dengue Fever, etc. Which is as the result of the water Which has been filling a spot and not flowing can be overcome.

*     By this BAH the water will be absorbed in the soil, and it can Reduce the flooded area, even to prevent this water filling, then the disease as the result of water flooding can be prevented.

h.           The rubbish Which can make pollution of the water and the air can be reducing.

*     The organic rubbish Which has been throwing away anywhere, or at some place, will give a bad odor. But by filling the BAH with the rubbish the bad odor can be prevented.

*     Because of the form of the BAH is round and deep in the soil Which is narrow in the top, so the process of delaying will not give any bad odor.

*     The organic rubbish in the BAH will not be Because of flowing water streaming, so this rubbish will not go to pollute the river or ditch.


i.             The gas emission (CO2 and methane gas)  of the glass house can be Reduce.

*     The rubbish heap of organic will give CO2 and methane gas. The more the rubbish heap will be the more gas producing.

*     The Which rubbish has been put in the BAH will be processed naturally by biotical variety Which is inside the soil, so that the decaying process will be happening soon.

*     Because the organic rubbish has been put in the BAH, so the gas coming of the rubbish will be absorbed by the gas that soil Which goes to the air will be reduced.

j.             To reduce flood, land-slide and drought.

*     Because the water will be well absorbed into the soil, so the rain water Which is flowing in the area will be reduced.

*     Because of decreasing water Which is flowing in the surface, so the flood and land-slide can be reduced.

*     By the stock more water in the soil, then the spring can be long standing, even, the new spring will also be emerging.

10.  The Bio pore Absorbing Hole Kit

The Bio pore Absorber has been designed to make easy for doing the Bio pore Absorbing Hole (BAH) which is suitable for using the water by absorbing organic pore approach. BAH This kit is also needed for taking the compost in the hole after it has been formed (after the rubbish become the compost).


One hole can be made in ten minutes time.

11.  What Yayasan Penghibur campaign has done to the bio pore Absorb?

Considering that Absorb Bio pore is good to save our soil and for our nature conservation. It is also good to Prevent the land-slide and flood, as well as to make our land more fertile, and to make better for our global climate, Yayasan Penghibur has been campaigning using the Bio of this pore Absorb. The result is not so well in our area, but our friends in East Java and


have good result.

For instance for our friends in East Java (Malang) they campaign the pore Absorb Bio among the school children and the farmer groups. So, YP Will Intensify the campaign among the farmer groups, the head of the villages and also among the school children (Senior High School). We hope that in the year 2010 we will can do it.



23 mars 2010

informe formacion delegados nacionales América

Viernes 19 de febrero de 2010.






Colombia: Gloria, Perú: Dany, Estados Unidos: Margaret, Argentina: Belén, Uruguay: Margarita, Brasil: Tania, CMFNG: Alberto, APSI: Alvaro, CR: Graciela


Orden del Día:


10 a 10.30hs.  LECTURA DE MATERIAL


Consideraciones a tener en cuenta en el desarrollo de la reflexión


Pensamiento emocional: lo que siento respecto a las cosas.

Pensamiento lógico: ver las cosas tal cual son, lo objetivado.

Pensamiento proyectivo: apunta hacia adelante, lo que quiero que sea.

Pensamiento restrictivo: me dice esto es lo que no quiero, esto no ayuda, limito para que funcione mejor.









· Buenas relaciones e intercambio entre grupos miembros (aceptación)

· Espíritu del Movimiento en DN (A)

· Disponibilidad/Ganas

· Disponibilidad de los grupos/compromiso (P)

· Muchos aportes de grupos (P)

· Predisposición a conocer otras realidades (EEUU)

· “Bastante” conocimiento de los temas en los grupos  (P)

· Trabajo en equipo

· Compromiso y responsabilidad

· (U) cooperación e integración

· Visión clara y justa

· Apoyo de los grupos

· Iniciativas personales en formación y/o capacitación

· (U) trabajo en red

· Reconocer nombre y logo de Emaús como propio

· Campos de trabajo



· Desconocimiento de normas a diferentes niveles e instancias en el Movimiento

· Distancias entre los grupos (A)

· Situación económica que afecta el seguimiento y acompañamiento de los grupos (A)

· Dificultades en la comunicación

· Falta de capacitación

· Falta de tiempo disponible

· Falta de compromiso

· Apatía

· Falta de disponibilidad y capacitación en la utilización de medios y recursos informáticos

· No utilización de diversos medios de comunicación (e-mail, teléfonos, conferencias)

· Falta de material informativo que aporten a la formación

· Diferente relación entre los grupos

· Individualismo grupal y Personalismo.

· Poca colaboración

· Tiempo personal y grupal, generalmente se le quita tiempo y espacio a la vida  personal

· Resistencia a las iniciativas propuestas por la DN de los grupos, debido a los tiempos libres.

· Falta de capacitación y formación en todos los puntos. Te tiran a la cancha sin saber. Dificultades en los discursos, saber como hablar o comunicarse en grandes grupos.

· Dificultad en cumplir con las estructuras. Los grupos existen y luego debe ayudarlos a adecuarse a la estructura. (B)

· (B) Distancia

· (B) Idioma

· Información poco fluida (B) traducción de documentos

· Falta de iniciativa para coordinar y promover las mesas de discusión política de cada país. No intervenimos en cuestiones de Estado. Estamos como espectadores.

· Falta de compromiso ante necesidades básicas (vivienda, salud, educación) militancia y recursos.

· Inercia de los compañeros/as depositando roles y funciones en otros. Dejar de hacer el trabajo por otro.

· Formación de líderes. Campo de trabajo como una ocasión de adquirir experiencia.

· Falta de metodología de trabajo en las reuniones de trabajo: Ej: Asamblea Mundial Se propone trabajar entre los DN luego de la finalización de esta primera jornada.




· En la comunicación con Referente de la JE (P y A)

· Exceso de trabajo para los miembros de la JE y  esto influye en su rol de Referentes por país

· Falta de comunicación entre los DN

· Escasa o nula comunicación y coordinación entre los DN con los miembros de comisiones, comités a nivel regional como internacional

· Falta de un buen aprovechamiento de los tiempos en las diferentes instancias (Ej: CR)

· Desfasaje entre lo planificado y lo llevado a cabo.

· Imposibilidad de establecer límites a nivel personal y/o grupal.




Se visualizan dificultades individuales y colectivas y también surgen algunas características de los propios países: idioma, distancias, etc.


Necesidad de formación en los DN.

Implementar una metodología de trabajo: Discursos, formas de planificación.

Falta de material de apoyo

Falta de militancia, de iniciativas, de recursos.

Falta de tiempos reales para ejercer el rol.


No se trabaja en equipo, se vive al día.


Se observa la demanda de esperar que “alguien de afuera nos forme”. Invitar a personas que nos aporten en las asambleas nacionales o reuniones de grupos.

Delegados antiguos que no pueden modificar la situación.

Ejercer diferentes roles y funciones simultáneamente (grupos y/o región y/o EI)

Luchas de poder. Intereses  

Impresionante la capacidad de elaborar diagnósticos, pero no logramos corregir lo que vemos como necesidad. Esto genera un freno.

Hacernos corresponsables en las obligaciones.

Necesitamos el conocimiento de la vivencia que nos da Emaús y también el conocimiento especifico (metodología) y técnico.



Otros comentarios:

Necesidad de que se valoren los informes sino para que elaborarlos

Si los grupos no contestan el DN debe expresarse sobre la no contestación o dar su visión ante el grupo

Posibilidad de realizar Evaluación escrita del CR





COMUNICACIÓN más fluida entre los DN en lo posible una vez al mes segunda semana  tener en cuenta el cambio horario.

Con el secretariado

Con los CR

 Como? A partir de conferencias Ej: Skype

Se solicita el envío de mails simultáneamente a los DN y al Secretariado

Reunión previa al próximo CR de los DN solamente


1. CAPACITACION a distancia. Textos y cuestionarios. Metodología.


2. GUIA DE APOYO Y CONSULTA (materiales teóricos y prácticos) Historia de los países y aspectos culturales. Contextos locales y de otras regiones.


3. TRABAJO EN RED a nivel país


4. ELABORAR una guía de procedimientos para mejorar el rol de los DN.


5. RECURSOS económicos, humanos y tecnológicos y materiales de los grupos Ej: Contenedores para utilizar lo recaudado para la formación a nivel ON


EVALUACIONES  1ra jornada de trabajo


URUGUAY:  Lastima que Uruguay contando con tantos formadores no tengamos mas instancias como estas.


ARGENTINA:  Tenia expectativas y muchas ganas de participar, me gustó el desarrollo de la jornada. Si bien surgió la evaluación del CR creo que si bien no era el momento, era necesario que nos expresáramos al respecto ya que esta instancia estuvo ausente al final del Consejo. Trabajamos mucho y concentrados.


COLOMBIA: Muy interesante, salieron cosas nuevas, elementos ya conocidos pero que no sabíamos como expresarlos a nivel región. Que no quede aquí sino que lo compartamos con nuestros compañeros. Fue necesario que saliera la evaluación del consejo. Es importante cumplir con los compromisos asumidos y no nos olvidemos. Dar continuidad a lo iniciado hoy día.


BRASIL: Muy interesante, pude ser muy sincera, pude decir la verdad que hubo cosas que no comprendí en el CR, Jornada bastante enriquecedora, muchos aportes, me ayudaron. Me dieron insumos para llevar a cabo durante la Asamblea nacional.


EEUU: Entre hoy y octubre podemos enviar ideas que vienen a nosotros, preocupaciones y demás cosas que nos preocupan.


URUGUAY: Faltan meses para el próximo CR. Interesante. Que nos permita abordar otras cuestiones.


PERU fue bueno, aparecieron cosas que no eran estrictamente del tema pero fue bueno hablarlas.


Coordinador ALBERTO: el Grupo logró centrarse en el tema y en la tarea. El intercambio entre los DN ayudó a un mayor acercamiento, a motivar y comunicarse entre ustedes. Desde la coordinación se intento no estar tan arriba de ustedes  y se busco que  la coordinación fuese más distendida.









Sábado 20 de febrero de 2010.-





Se incorporan por la Secretaria: Adriana y por la Coordinacion: Enrique (Quique). No están presentes: Gloria de Colombia y Tania de Brasil

2ª Parte Secretaría Regional


Mirada desde la Secretaría con los DN, una cosa es cuando hay una Organización Nacional funcionando y organizada con actividad pero eso no es así en toda la región.

A veces la comunicación vía mail es inútil hay que optar por la comunicación telefónica.

Es fundamental el rol de los DN, rol de animación contante de su país y de la región, acompañar, sugerir, proponer a la JE. Es fundamental la relación con los DN actualmente se dan momentos de encuentro (CR) y otros de escaso contacto o comunicación.

Administrativo: En la contabilidad se está avanzando, se busca trabajar coordinadamente con la SEI. Manejo de fondos es el tema de mayor responsabilidad en la Secretaria. Se está trabajando muy bien y adecuado. Nunca ha habido una duda o aclaración sobre los informes económicos en el CR o en las Asambleas Regionales, es necesario que se pregunte y aclaren dudas.

Político: La Región no ha llegado a un acuerdo en el rol y funcionamientos de la SR, Algunos hablan de la necesidad de desarrollar un rol técnico, otros, en cambio, esperan que se tenga un rol más de incidencia política.

El secretariado tiene una visión casi total o de integralidad de la vida de la región.


Opinión de los Delegados Nacionales


URUGUAY: Se están haciendo las cosas bien, el rol político fue algo que se solicitó como requisito para el candidato al cargo. Importantísimo el rol político. Se está atento a los informes enviados.

Considerar gastos innecesarios como por ejemplo gastos de pasajes de último momento.

Es responsabilidad de los DN del uso de los movimientos realizados y de dar sus opiniones.

Debe plantearse la necesidad de que se aborde el tema de la Secretaria.


ARGENTINA: Anulación de correos que están activos actualmente y que no corresponden a grupos con actividad. Todo material que es enviado por la SR se lee, si no se contesta es por superación de actividades, pero se lee.  Se solicita que se envíe al correo de la FAE la información que se hace llegar a los grupos. Siempre hubo una buena comunicación con la SR, no ha habido problema.


PERU: Buena, no hay lectura clara de la ON en cuanto a la evaluación de los gastos. Rol político de Adriana es muy bueno, aportes.


EEUU: Envío de datos, información y guía para los nuevos DN.




Interviene Quique retomando lo trabajado ayer.  Da su opinión


Comunicación:  Muy bueno que el CR pueda verse como los DN, búsqueda de espacio de relacionamiento y comunicación entre los DN eso es un avance interesante.

Plantearse  una reunión previa al inicio del CR que por si mismo no garantiza nada pero puede ser un espacio donde estas comunicaciones empiecen a tener sentido.

Empezar a asumir un rol de autogestión entre los DN.

Esta reunión, coordinada con anterioridad, supera la demanda crónica de que tenemos que estar comunicados.

Capacitación: modalidad  bastante nueva

Trabajo en red: que se está haciendo y cómo

Recursos: son escasos hay que pensar en ellos


Propone incorporar a la planificación anual de la Región. Cada DN manifiesta lo planificado para este año.



Formación de Comisiones de la FEU: 2 compañeros por grupo para Educación y Formación



Abril Asamblea ordinaria  1 delegado por grupo

Julio-agosto comisión directiva FAE 4 grupos

Noviembre reunión de grupos 1 delegado por grupo al menos

Durante el año  Abordar educación y agua cada grupo desde su realidad

Se evaluará fecha  1 vez al año  Formación para todos los grupos

Recuperar la historia de la FAE- concentrar documentación en un espacio físico



 Formación coyuntura temas del movimiento trabajo en equipo se invitará a los países

Comenzaron el Reglamento Interno de la FEP. Tienen tres reuniones al año en cada grupo



No hay plan. Se va a buscar trabajar con los grupos más cercanos


Se decide que los DN tengan un papel más activo entre Consejo y Consejo.


Se trabaja sobre Apoyos posibles para fortalecer el rol de los DN.


a) Se decide crear una instancia de Reunión (“La Previa”) entre los DN antes de comenzar el próximo CR. Se lo define como espacio de intercambio e integración entre los DN que busca facilitar la participación de los nuevos DN considerando los costos se plantea realizarlo un día anterior del CR. Como espacio organizado pero No tan estructurado. Que cada DN con el correr de los meses vaya planteando sus dudas o intereses.

b) Se decide crear una Cuenta común  . Guardar allí toda la información que se comparta

c) Armar carpeta “Guías” con los documentos de interés y así poder consultarlos cuando se necesiten

d) Así mismo que aquellos DN que no tengan cuenta en gmail puedan crearse una y poder comunicarnos mediante chat todos los segundos viernes de mes.

AGENDAR Siendo la primera experiencia el  Viernes 12 de marzo de 2010.-

21 mars 2010

saludos desde Chile,

Video: Asombroso discurso de un veterano

compañeros y amigos,les adjunto un video que me impacto, No tiene que ver con Chile, ni directamente con las tareas del Consejo Mundial, pero si tiene que ver con la idea de "concientizar" , para tranformar la humanidad. Espero vuestros comentarios.


Companions and friends, I they attach a video that I am overawed, it(he,she) has to see neither with Chile, nor directly with the tasks of the World Council, but if it(he,she) has to see with the idea of "concientizar", for tranformar the humanity. I wait for your commentaries.


9 mars 2010

Conseil Regional Emmau Europe (1)

Formation des membres élus. Comme décidé lors de la dernière réunion du CMFNG au Bangladesh, pendant notre Conseil Regional il ya eu une première formation sur le rôle des membres élus. Bien que destiné principalement aux nouvelles élus, ce moment a été bien accueilli aussi par ceux qui ont une certaine expérience dans le rôle en montrant comment le système est encore jeune et non entièrement défini et compri. En particulier, nous avons parlé des CEI et des CM, pour lesquels on a distribué des exemplaires des guides que nous avons vu lors du Conseil mondial. Nous avons aussi abordé le rôle des délégués nationaux avec lesquels les CEI et GM sont appelés à collaborer de très près. Le Bureau a acceptée notre demande du résrver une demi-journée de formation dans les travaux de la CREE. Il y a eu un bref moment d'une demie heure de connaissance mutuelle qui a permis à chacun de s'exprimer librement et de créer un climat plus amical et chaleureux. Le travail s'est poursuivi en petits groupes, divisée par la langue: chacun avait à répondre à 4 questions rapides sur le rôle attendu des différentes composantes du CR, les difficultés dans leur travail et relations, des suggestions d'amélioration pour le futur. À la fin de l'heure de travail en groupe, il ya eu la mise en commun des résultats des travaux et le débat qui a suivi (Françoise pourrait mieux résumer ce qui a émergé du travail des groupes). On a montré ensuite un power point (préparé par Françoise) résumé des guides et des documents d'EI sur les missions des CEI, CM et DN. Toute la formation a été assisté et apprécié
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WCTNG-CMFNG Emmaus International